
Why this book series?

The Global South Cosmologies & Epistemologies Book Series (MIT Press) publishes work that explores how different societies make sense of and develop a knowledge of the physical and animate world and of the human itself. The series will specifically focus on ways of being, seeing, meaning-making, doing, ordering, and making worlds, an expanded meaning of what is often called cosmology. The works solicited for publication shall be deep and nuanced in their historical and philosophical understanding of specific cosmologies and must derive their theory from concepts deployed in that culture, not outside it.


The Global South: a series definition

In this book series, “Global South” is strategically deployed as an experiential location defined by and productive of specific ways of seeing, knowing, and doing rendered marginal, displaced, and/or erased by European/white enslavement/colonialism. By marginalization, displacement, or erasure is meant either and/or both physical and arbitrary removal and re-placement of people and/or their ways of seeing, knowing, doing, and making.


The manuscripts we accept for publication and those we reject

The book series will accept manuscripts under two thematic streams:

  1. Cosmologies and epistemologies/the sciences

  2. Cosmology, Innovation, & Design-Maker Experiences

Only manuscripts that respect and are written by people who come from and/or take seriously cosmologies and epistemologies from the Global South will be considered. We will reject manuscripts or proposals that simply take the Global South as fodder for Western theory. Acceptable projects are those that show demonstrable tangible benefit to makers and keepers of the cosmologies and epistemologies the authors are writing about. Works that are engaged in South-South conversations are especially encouraged, provided they are engaging cosmological and epistemological questions that have implications for the everyday lives of the Global South.

A diverse range of books will be accepted, among them animated books and storybooks; books in indigenous and English languages; edited volumes; science fiction; historical fiction; academic books; poetry, etc.

The target audiences of manuscripts will be: communities across the Global South, academic and non-academic, creatives and/or makers, engineers, designers, and policymakers.